◆电动单梁桥式起重机安装、使用、维护说明书 一、概述 Brief instruction 本说明书适用于电动单梁系列起重机的安装、使用和维护,供安装、操作作和维修人员使用 This instruction is appropriate for electrical single beam series cra installation se and maintenance at attendants' di sposal 1.主要用途 main use LD型电动单梁起重机(以下简称起重机)是按JB/T1306-1994标准设计的与CD1、MD1等型式的电动葫产 配套使用的空间运输工具,主要作用是以间歇、周期的工作方式,通过起重吊钩或其它取物装置及时、迅 速地完成物体的位移,是现代工业企业中实现生产过程机械化、自动化,减轻繁重体力力劳动、提高劳动生 产率的重要工具和设备 LD model electrical single beam crane(Briefly Crane), a space transport tool, is electric hoist. It can complete ob jects displacement quickly and timely by hoisting hook designed and produced according to B/t1306-1994 standard and used with model CDL, MDI and other devices in an interval and periodical way. It is indispensable facility and device to realize mechanization and automation in produce procedure and ease heavy physical labor and improve efficiency in manufacturing 该产品因具有结构紧凑、刚性好、操作灵敏、噪音低、无污染、安全可靠、造型美观等优点,广泛应 用于机械制造、装配、仓库、电站、料场等场所 The products are widely used in machinery manufacture, assembl ing sites, warehouses ant materials sites etc because of their characteristics of tight structure, strong rigidity delicate operation, low noise, no pollution, safety and reliability and beautiful exterior. 2.适用范围 apphcable scope LD型起重机适用于在工作级别A3-A5,工作环境温度-20℃-+40℃,相对湿度≤85%的无易燃易爆危险 及腐蚀性介质环境条件下工作 The product applies to such an envi ronment as no fire, no explosive danger and no corrosive media exist And the work system is between A3 and A5, the temperature is between
20C below zero and 40C up zero co, the wetness 1s no
It is banned to lift melted metals, poisonous, combustible and explosive objects 3.环境条件 environment condition
此规定不同时,应在订货时明使用地的电源电压和频率),电动机和电器控制设备上允许电压波动的上 (1)起重机的电源为三相交流,额定频率为50이z或60lz,额定电压为220v-60V(如电源电压、频率与 下限为士10%。起重机内部电压损失不大于3 The power source of crane is 3-phase alternating current, 501lz or 60l frequency and loy-860y (ol tage clear indication of the over source vol tue and frequeney when has an order if power source voltage is different from above). The upper and below limit of allowable voltage fluctuation of motor and electric control device is at+10 of rated voltage, The voltage loss of crane inside =%. (2)吊运物品对起重机吊钩部位的射射热温度不不超过3100℃,The radiation temperature of lifted ob ject towards hook part is no more than 3000 3)环境温度不超过+40℃,在24h内平均温度不超过+35℃。 The environment temperature is no more than"40C, The average temperature is no torethan+35℃。 4.噪声 noise 起重机在非密闭性厂房内,无其它噪声干扰和起升高度不小于5m的情况下,在地面上测量,其整机声不大于85dB(A) The noise should bes85db(A)when there is no other noise and lifting height is no more than 5M in non-tightness workshop 二、起重机的结构和性能参数 Structure and performance parameter 起重机的结构主要由三部分组成:桥架、电动葫芦和电气系123统(见图2及随机图) The crane is comprised of loading bridge, electric hoist and electric system. (See diagram 2 and stochasticdiagram) 桥架用来支撑和纵向移动载荷,由金属结构和运行机构组 成。金属结构包括主梁、端端梁及主、端梁连接三部分。运行机构 由驱动装置、传动装置、制动装置和车轮组四部分组成。电动 葫芦承担升降和横向移动载荷。电气系统由主回路和控制回路组成 bridge used to bear and remove loads longitudinally is comprised of metal structure parts and travel ing mechanism. Metal structure consists of main beam, end carriage and connection parts of main beam unit, gearing, brake and end carriage. Traveling mechanism consists of drive id wheel group. Electric 图1运行机构 Traveling mechanism hoist can lift, lower and remove loads laterally. Electric 3.车轮whee14.螺栓bolt 1.螺栓 bolts2.盖板 cover board system is comprised of main loop and control loop 5.轴挡板 shaft blocking plate 6.油杯 oil bottle7.车轮油 heel shaloading bridge 8.油塞oi1plug 钢组焊成实腹梁或用钢板组焊成箱形梁。端梁为U型槽钢组焊成箱形结构,主、端梁之间采用螺栓加抗剪凸缘连接结构或座式结构,安装方便,便于运输储存。 The main beam is made of the steel board pressed and lengthened to be"U"shape. Then its welded with i-steel together to form the beam of case shape. The crossbeam is made in the运行机构 斜跑偏造成的哨道磨损,不易出现车轮爬轨掉道故障 运行机构采用分别驱动形式(见图1),驱动、制动靠锥形转子电动机来完成,其优点是能减轻因车轮 运行速度(m/min):地面操作一般为20、30:司机室操作为30、45、60起起重机设计有单速和双速及 变频调速等型式,一般情情况下按单速制造,用户如需其它调速方式时,应在订货合同中于以注明。 3.起升机构1 起重机安装电动葫芦组成起升机构,可起升吊运重物,并可沿主梁横向移动 4.电气系统 电动葫芦的起升运行电动机采用起动力矩较大的锥形转子电动机,以适应起重机断续工作中频繁的直 接启动。起升电动机有两种型式,ZD型为单速电机,ZDS型为双速电机,其常速和慢速之比为10:1起重机的操纵通过按动按开关(手电门),使接触器的触点接通或切切断电动机的电源。其主回回路和控 制回路电气元件少,线路简单,使用谁护方便 5.操纵形式 (1)地面操纵:操作人员于地面控制手电门按钮,控制起重机进行吊载作业。起重机运行速度≤30m (2)司机室操纵:操作人员于司机室内控制按钮或控制器,控制起重机进行吊载作业。起重机运行≥30m/ min。司机室按开门方向分为侧开门司机室(适用于单跨车间)和端开门司机室(适用于双跨间)。司机室还有开放式和封闭式两种型式,供用户根据需要进行选择