◆電動單梁橋式起重機安裝、使用、維護說明書 一、概述 Brief instruction 本說明書適用於電動單梁系列起重機的安裝、使用和維護,供安裝、操作作和維修人員使用 This instruction is appropriate for electrical single beam series cra installation se and maintenance at attendants' di sposal 1.主要用途 main use LD型電動單梁起重機(以下簡稱起重機)是按JB/T1306-1994標準設計的與CD1、MD1等型式的電動葫產 配套使用的空間運輸工具,主要作用是以間歇、週期的工作方式,通過起重吊鉤或其它取物裝置及時、迅 速地完成物體的位移,是現代工業企業中實現生產過程機械化、自動化,減輕繁重體力力勞動、提高勞動生 產率的重要工具和設備 LD model electrical single beam crane(Briefly Crane), a space transport tool, is electric hoist. It can complete ob jects displacement quickly and timely by hoisting hook designed and produced according to B/t1306-1994 standard and used with model CDL, MDI and other devices in an interval and periodical way. It is indispensable facility and device to realize mechanization and automation in produce procedure and ease heavy physical labor and improve efficiency in manufacturing 該產品因具有結構緊湊、剛性好、操作靈敏、噪音低、無污染、安全可靠、造型美觀等優點,廣氾應 用於機械製造、裝配、倉庫、電站、料場等場所 The products are widely used in machinery manufacture, assembl ing sites, warehouses ant materials sites etc because of their characteristics of tight structure, strong rigidity delicate operation, low noise, no pollution, safety and reliability and beautiful exterior. 2.適用範圍 apphcable scope LD型起重機適用於在工作級別A3-A5,工作環境溫度-20℃-+40℃,相對濕度≤85%的無易燃易爆危險 及腐蝕性介質環境條件下工作 The product applies to such an envi ronment as no fire, no explosive danger and no corrosive media exist And the work system is between A3 and A5, the temperature is between
20C below zero and 40C up zero co, the wetness 1s no
It is banned to lift melted metals, poisonous, combustible and explosive objects 3.環境條件 environment condition
此規定不同時,應在訂貨時明使用地的電源電壓和頻率),電動機和電器控制設備上允許電壓波動的上 (1)起重機的電源為三相交流,額定頻率為50이z或60lz,額定電壓為220v-60V(如電源電壓、頻率與 下限為士10%。起重機內部電壓損失不大於3 The power source of crane is 3-phase alternating current, 501lz or 60l frequency and loy-860y (ol tage clear indication of the over source vol tue and frequeney when has an order if power source voltage is different from above). The upper and below limit of allowable voltage fluctuation of motor and electric control device is at+10 of rated voltage, The voltage loss of crane inside =%. (2)吊運物品對起重機吊鉤部位的射射熱溫度不不超過3100℃,The radiation temperature of lifted ob ject towards hook part is no more than 3000 3)環境溫度不超過+40℃,在24h內平均溫度不超過+35℃。 The environment temperature is no more than"40C, The average temperature is no torethan+35℃。 4.噪聲 noise 起重機在非密閉性廠房內,無其它噪聲干擾和起升高度不小於5m的情況下,在地面上測量,其整機聲不大於85dB(A) The noise should bes85db(A)when there is no other noise and lifting height is no more than 5M in non-tightness workshop 二、起重機的結構和性能參數 Structure and performance parameter 起重機的結構主要由三部分組成:橋架、電動葫蘆和電氣系123統(見圖2及隨機圖) The crane is comprised of loading bridge, electric hoist and electric system. (See diagram 2 and stochasticdiagram) 橋架用來支撐和縱向移動載荷,由金屬結構和運行機構組 成。金屬結構包括主梁、端端梁及主、端梁連接三部分。運行機構 由驅動裝置、傳動裝置、制動裝置和車輪組四部分組成。電動 葫蘆承擔昇降和橫向移動載荷。電氣系統由主迴路和控制迴路組成 bridge used to bear and remove loads longitudinally is comprised of metal structure parts and travel ing mechanism. Metal structure consists of main beam, end carriage and connection parts of main beam unit, gearing, brake and end carriage. Traveling mechanism consists of drive id wheel group. Electric 圖1運行機構 Traveling mechanism hoist can lift, lower and remove loads laterally. Electric 3.車輪whee14.螺栓bolt 1.螺栓 bolts2.蓋板 cover board system is comprised of main loop and control loop 5.軸擋板 shaft blocking plate 6.油杯 oil bottle7.車輪油 heel shaloading bridge 8.油塞oi1plug 鋼組焊成實腹梁或用鋼板組焊成箱形梁。端梁為U型槽鋼組焊成箱形結構,主、端梁之間採用螺栓加抗剪凸緣連接結構或座式結構,安裝方便,便於運輸儲存。 The main beam is made of the steel board pressed and lengthened to be"U"shape. Then its welded with i-steel together to form the beam of case shape. The crossbeam is made in the運行機構 斜跑偏造成的哨道磨損,不易出現車輪爬軌掉道故障 運行機構採用分別驅動形式(見圖1),驅動、制動靠錐形轉子電動機來完成,其優點是能減輕因車輪 運行速度(m/min):地面操作一般為20、30:司機室操作為30、45、60起起重機設計有單速和雙速及 變頻調速等型式,一般情情況下按單速製造,用戶如需其它調速方式時,應在訂貨合同中于以註明。 3.起升機構1 起重機安裝電動葫蘆組成起升機構,可起升吊運重物,並可沿主梁橫向移動 4.電氣系統 電動葫蘆的起升運行電動機採用起動力矩較大的錐形轉子電動機,以適應起重機斷續工作中頻繁的直 接啟動。起升電動機有兩種型式,ZD型為單速電機,ZDS型為雙速電機,其常速和慢速之比為10:1起重機的操縱通過按動按開關(手電門),使接觸器的觸點接通或切切斷電動機的電源。其主回迴路和控 制迴路電氣元件少,線路簡單,使用誰護方便 5.操縱形式 (1)地面操縱:操作人員于地面控制手電門按鈕,控制起重機進行吊載作業。起重機運行速度≤30m (2)司機室操縱:操作人員于司機室內控制按鈕或控制器,控制起重機進行吊載作業。起重機運行≥30m/ min。司機室按開門方向分為側開門司機室(適用於單跨車間)和端開門司機室(適用於雙跨間)。司機室還有開放式和封閉式兩種型式,供用戶根據需要進行選擇