“多支點懸挂起重機”產品特性描述Feature Description
總體 In general 歐式優化設計,自重輕,輪壓小,尺寸矮 Optimazed designing, DIN/FEM standard, smaller wheel load, space saving 起重量達到32t Max. Safe working load 32t 專業用於飛機維修機庫、飛機製造廠、航天系統等領域 Professional roof suspension cranes in airplane hall,engine factory,aerospace industry,etc. 世界 的柔性主梁設計,對網架屋頂內應力衰減到最小 World leading pin-joint girder,more safety in roof 世界 的柔性吊點,有效抵消網架屋頂球結點的水平應力,便於維修和微調,確保起重機平穩運行 Adjustable suspensions,less holizon stress in roof ball 的驅動性能,變頻調速,運行平穩 Excellent driving properties, stepless control, smoothly moving
機械 Mechanical feature 單主梁或雙主梁,焊接箱形,拱度符合國家標準 Single welding box girder, DIN/FEM standard deflection
鋼板材料為Fe37或Fe52 (相近國內鋼材Q235B或Q345B) Material Fe37 or Fe52 腹板由40m數控切割整幅下料,確保拱度曲線的光滑成型和精度 Whole length CNC cutting for complete web plate, high deflection accuracy 主焊縫採用埋弧自動焊、無損探傷 High quality autometic welding and NDT inspection 焊后整梁拋丸處理,達到Sa2.5級,消除焊接應力 Shot-blasting Sa2.5 for complete girder after welding, stress release 環氧富鋅漆,兩底兩面,140μ厚,壽命長,外表美觀,光澤好 Epoxy zinc rich high quality paiting, 2x2 with 140μm 主梁與端梁採用10.9級高強度螺栓連接,確保整機結構強度和精度 10.9 class High tension bolts mouting between girder and legs, life time safety connection 大小車採用三合一驅動機構,變頻無級調速,硬齒面,盤式制動器 Compacted gearmotor driving,stepless control,hardern gear,safety disck brake 大車驅動IP55,F級絕緣,接電持續率達到40% ED High proection class IP55, F class, 40% ED 端梁配置單輪緣車輪和導向輪、抗磨軸承、大車緩衝塊、防脫軌端板 Single flanged wheels and guider rollers,anti-friction bearings,cellular buffers,derailment protectors
電氣Electrification and outfitting 安全滑觸線供電 Conductor power supply 配置缺相保護功能 Phase control guard opens the main contactor in case of phase failure 起升、小車、大車三機構獨立控制,能單獨運行或同時運行 All hoist and crane movements are independent and can be run simultaneously. 採用起重機專用的防振接觸器 Contactors meet crane applications, rated for severe vibration. 電控箱防腐蝕,防護等級達到IP55 The control panels are finished to withstand corrosion, IP55 所有連接採用重載航空插頭插座, 密封好,接插牢固 Heavy duty plug head 控制箱內布局合理,便於維修 The components are positioned in a maintenance friendly way, and the whole layout provides good protection against accidental contact. 插頭連接部位採用塑料套管絕緣保護 The multi-wire type fixed cables with plastic insulation are intended for crane usage. 所有線纜都有線號,便於識別 Cables are coded either with numbers, colours or tags for easy identification. 小車移動供電系統採用起重機專用的PVC扁電纜,耐壓等級達到450/750V The flate cables used for festoons are PVC insulated flexible flat cables rated for 450/750V,specially designed for cranes,hoists 小車移動供電系統有扁電纜、鍍鋅滑軌和電纜小滑車,滑動平穩 Festoon cables are suspended on cable saddles,fixed to cable trolleys,running in a galvanised C-track,which is connected to the main girder with bolted or welded support brackets
起升機構 Lifting units 的起升機構,免維護性好(詳見歐式起升機構-鋼絲繩葫蘆) First class lifting units, maintenance free
安全保護 Safety protection 大車、小車三合一電機防墜保護,防止意外墜落 Gearmotor locker rope to protect drop 聲光報警裝置 Warning indicator: flashing lights and warning sound 無線防撞裝置 Wireless infra-detector for anti-collusion |
起重機控制模式 Control Mode
地操 Pendant 操作簡便,無需設置專業駕駛員 Easy control, no additional driver necessary 雙擋按鈕 Two steps push button, with emergency stop 跟隨式或獨立滑道非跟隨式懸挂 Independent festoon station or fixed suspened under hoist 防護等級為IP65 Protection class IP65 壽命50萬次Life time 500,000
遙控 Remote Control 操作簡便,無需設置專業駕駛員,操作者在地面自由度大 Easy control, no additional driver, remote access 几萬組頻點,互不干涉 Flexible frequency selection, total reliable 雙擋按鈕或搖桿式操縱杆 Two steps push button or joy stick station with emergency stop 防護等級為IP65 Protection class IP65 壽命50萬次Life time 500,000 多支點懸挂起重機河南省礦山起重機有限公司製造 |
價格條款:︰ 執行國家標準